Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone!!!!!!!!!

Busy, busy, busy. That's the way it's been for me lately. Most of the leaves are down and out at the curb. I raked some more of the nuts today. Have a little bit to go and I'll be finished. Yeah!!!!!!

Tom's in-laws have asked me to their house for tomorrow. I'm taking the Apfel Kuchen. How nice of them.

I'm still getting sewings to do. I can't seem to sew fast enough these days. That's good.

I enjoyed playing with my machine, but have quit the playing. I usually do my volunteer work on Thursdays, but since it's a holiday this week, I did it today.

Don't like this cold weather. Hopefully, after the first of the year I'll be able to go south for awhile. That would be nice.

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