Friday, August 17, 2007

No rest for the wicked!

Tom came today to build the box for the spare bed. He was here for at least 6 hours but didn't quiet get finished. We didn't have enough wood, so had to go get it before we could begin. He is going to come back tomorrow and hopefully get it finished. Just one more step to being where I hope to be. Finished that is. I need to go get some screws. Have one length, but need another.

I told Tom today that I need a tool chest. I'm hoping that he will remember that and get his siblings together and do that for me for Christmas. Wouldn't that be nice???

I did some watering of the yard today. Still don't have any rain. It takes a lot when it is so dry.

Tomorrow I hope to get some mini blinds washed. If it rains I'll have to postpone it till Sunday.

No rest for the whicked, right????

I read other people's blogs and they go on and on. Their blogs are very long. Mine are not. Maybe I need more excitement in my life. But that is the way it is.

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